At Eureka AI, we are driven by a groundbreaking vision: making food exploration as enjoyable as playing a game. This vision led to the birth of Fureka, a platform that offers a unique gamified experience for users exploring new foods.
As immigrants and enthusiastic foodies in North America, our team often felt lost and annoyed, flipping through countless review platforms without truly knowing what to order. This "menu anxiety" was magnified during a 2023 road trip in Utah's Arches National Park. Frustrated by the endless search for genuine dishes, we decided it was time for a change. Thus, Fureka was born—aimed at making the process of discovering and enjoying food as delightful as dining itself. The image on the left, taken on that transformative night, captures the very essence of our inspiration.
Meet our founders through Joanne’s hand-drawn portrait on our whiteboard. From left to right: Enning, Fred, and Joanne.